Tag: Flash
WeddingTracker was an enormous modular Flash project that connected with a custom ASP.NET CMS. You can read a full write up of the launch I did here http://www.sosuke.com/index.php/2008/06/14/weddingtracker-launched/
HP Servers
This was a Flash projector to launch HP PowerPoint presentations and included a Flash video player with standard controls.
Cisco 1018
This project was for a small Cisco sales piece for some of their enterprise networking solutions.
Great Wall China Adoption
This site was done using Drupal as the back-end CMS. I did the all the design and front-end work as well as all of the back-end development for GWCA for both their intranet and internet website. One of two points of personal interest are the Workshop Locator that was done using a combination of Flash,…
Furniture Wizard
The Furniture Wizard demo was a Flash project to present an overview of the Furniture Wizard suite of products in an interactive piece. The project scrolls horizontally and had a parallax effect on the foreground to background.
Xerox Digital Color Book Discovery CD
The Xerox Digital Color Book Discovery CD was part of the iGen3 printer package to educate prospective purchasers on the features and details of the Xerox iGen3 printer.